Uber Complaint

Uber Complaint

Submitted by: Anonymous | Post a complaint | Back to Complaints Forum

UBER paid me 20 dollars for a vomit fee but I deserved more because of the severity of the mess. I missed working most of my shift due to the smell of my car, at least 6 more hrs, I was 2.5 hrs in and was due to make at least 150 more. I tried to explain to uber that my schedule was so tight that I only had a few hrs to clean my car until I picked up my children and my shift was over. I went to a cleaning shop and they denied me service because throw up is hazardous. So I had to clean my car myself, a few hrs of deep scrubbing and a few hrs of drying and then I went on my way to get my kids. Uber said I needed a receipt in order to reimburse me but I cleaned the mess myself.

What would you like the company to do to fix the problem? (optional)
Pay me for the time I missed work and more for throw up. Not everyone has 100s of dollars to detail my car. I cleaned the mess myself and uber doesn’t care about the missed time. For work. There were other times I was falsely accused of discriminating against another passenger but after 3 days of Uber investigating, I was innocent. Uber didn’t reimburse me for 3 days of work. They didn’t even say they were sorry

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