AT&T Complaint

AT&T Complaint

Submitted by: Anonymous | Post a complaint | Back to Complaints Forum

Was told the price given in the original contract after a year has been audited and they raised price from 29.99 to 52. I called to cancel service and they scammed me saying they will offer me a promo price of 40 a month for faster internet. I agreed. They told me to pay 52 and difference of 40 will be credited on the next bill. Next bill I received a payment of 169 per month and there was no credit adjustment. I called att many times after to resolve why it was 169 and every rep tells me something different. One will say att made an error in system and will push promo. Another excuse was the promo kicked in late for some reason with no explanation. Every call a different explanation. Each one said the issue will be resolved and the bill would adjust. Couple of weeks go by and no adjustment. Finally a day before payment due, one rep said he can only give me a 119 credit and cannot do more which made my bill 50. I told him this is not what I agreed to pay. Since they never credit the difference of my first bill and now making me pay 10 above the agreed payment, I am paying 22 dollars more than what the agreed 40 a month price. Everytime i called, I was put on hold for about an hour or two to resolve and no solution given. I am stuck now in there contract and am not paying for what I agreed upon

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